Movie enthusiasts eagerly awaiting the release of the much-anticipated Malayalam movie Vellari Pattanam can finally rejoice as the film’s official release date has been announced. After months of speculation and excitement, the makers of Vellari Pattanam have finally lifted the veil on when it will hit theatres across India. The news has sent waves of joy among fans looking forward to seeing this unique story unfold onscreen.
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About Vellari Pattanam
Mahesh Vettiyar directs Vellari Pattanam (IMDB) film, and its co-scenarist is the writer Sarath Krishna. The film was produced by Full On Studios and starred Manju Warrior and Soubin Shahir. They were written by Sarathkrishna, a journalist and the director. The movie is a political satire with a domestic setting. Alex J Pulickal is the film’s cinematographer, and Sachin Shankor Manneth is its composer.
Vellari Pattanam Malayalam Movie Release Date
The much-awaited Malayalam movie, Vellari Pattanam, has finally announced its release date on Facebook by actor Manju Warrier. The film is set to hit the theatres on March 24th, 2023, and fans can’t wait to witness the magic on screen. The announcement has created a buzz in the industry, and people eagerly anticipate what this movie has in store for them. With such a power-packed star cast and direction from one of the most promising young cast in Malayalam cinema, expectations are high for Vellari Pattanam.
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Vellari Pattanam Malayalam Movie Star Cast
Manju Warrier and Soubin Shahir play the leading roles in cellar Pattana. Shabareesh Varma, Kottayam Ramesh, and Suresh Krishna also play pivotal roles in the film.
- Manju Warrier
- Soubin Shahir
- Kottayam Ramesh
- Veena Nair
- Shabareesh Varma
- Suresh Krishna
- Krishna Shankar
Vellari Pattanam Malayalam Movie Storyline
A young man named Hari enthusiastically returns to farming after learning about its nobility. The youth of Kerala are generally uninterested in and ignorant of their agricultural and rural heritage.
The plot of the film revolves around the Chakkarakudam panchayat. Manju Warrier portrays KP Sunanda, while Soubin Shahir portrays her sibling KP Suresh. The character of Soubin Shahir is a political activist. After Action Hero Biju, Alamara, Mohanlal, and Kung Fu Master, Full On Studios has produced this film. The principal cast includes Salimkumar, Sureshkrishna, Krishnashankar, Sabreesh Verma, Abhirami Bhargavan, Kottayam Ramesh, Mala Parvathy, Veena Nair, and Pramod Veliyanad.
Vellari Pattanam Malayalam Movie Official Trailer
The Final Verdict
In conclusion, the much-awaited Malayalam movie, Vellari Pattanam, is set to hit theatres this summer. Fans of the director and cast can look forward to a highly anticipated film with an exciting storyline that promises a memorable experience. The release date will be announced soon, and tickets are expected to go on sale in the upcoming weeks.
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