How It Ends 2: Will There Be A How It Ends Sequel?

How It Ends is an American film that came out in 2018 and is based on a TV show. David M. Rosenthal is in charge of running the show, and Brooks McLaren is in order of writing it. The movie was put on Netflix on July 13, 2018. It runs for 114 minutes. Theo James, Grace Dove, Mark O’Brien, Nicole Ari Parker, Forest Whitaker, and Kat Graham are some of the talented players who play the lead.

In the first movie, Will and Samantha are on a trip to get to Samantha, who is far away and pregnant at the end of the world. When the movie came out, it got Mixed reviews. Now, as fans ponder over the potential for more, the big question looms: Will there be a “How It Ends” sequel?

In this article, we delve into the possibilities of a continuation and explore the latest updates on whether we can expect another thrilling chapter in this post-apocalyptic tale. Join us as we uncover the clues and speculate on the fate of “How It Ends” and its potential future on the screen.

How It Ends

How It Ends 2: Will There Be A How It Ends Sequel?

According to sources, There has been no official announcement about a sequel to How It Ends. Despite the cast being ready for another film, the decision to make a sequel is yet to be confirmed by the makers. Stay connected to know more updates about the show How It Ends.

How It Ends 2: Release Date

‘How It Ends’ was announced in 2011 but was released in 2018. As of now, there has been no official announcement about a sequel to “How It Ends.” We have to wait for the official news to come out, and once there’s an official announcement, we will be able to provide information about the release date. Until then, we’ll have to wait patiently for any updates regarding the potential sequel.

How It Ends 2: Release Date

How It Ends 2: Potential Cast

In the case of a sequel to “How It Ends,” Theo James would return to his role as Will, a lawyer who was introduced in the first film and appeared in the first movie. Will’s personality was hinted at, but we want to learn more about him in the next movie. Sam, the woman Will will marry and have a child with, will also return.

Here are some more names that could be in Season 2:-

  • Theo James as Will Younger, Sam’s boyfriend, and an attorney
  • Forest Whitaker as Tom Sutherland, Sam’s father, and Paula’s husband
  • Kat Graham as Samantha “Sam” Sutherland, Will’s girlfriend, Tom and Paula’s daughter
  • Kerry Bishé as Meg, Will’s and Sam’s friend who lives in Ashland Heights
  • Mark O’Brien as Jeremiah, Will’s and Sam’s neighbor
  • Nicole Ari Parker as Paula Sutherland, Sam’s mother, and Tom’s wife
  • Grace Dove as Ricki, an auto mechanic
  • Eric Keenleyside as Sheriff Reynolds, the sheriff of Ashland Heights

How It Ends 2 Potential Cast

How It Ends Part 1 Ending Explained

What Happens at the End Will, Tom, and Ricki (Grace Dove), a friend they talked into going with them, miss being robbed, beaten, and killed before driving straight into a vast forest fire. Tom’s broken ribs caused a hole in his lung. Ricki chooses to leave after being forced to shoot a car’s tires following the gang and kill everyone inside.

Two men are on their way to Seattle when they are attacked by a group of bikers who want to steal their car. The bikers have seen many accidents and disasters and are trying to get their hands on the vehicle. Will doesn’t trust Tom anymore because he taught him so much so quickly.

Tom kills a few more people with his gun before he is run over by the car. Will burns the vehicle in which Tom died as a homage to his friend now that he is alone. After walking for a while, he was picked up by a family who offered to drive him as far as they could.

How It Ends Part 1 Ending Explained

How It Ends 2: Potential Plot

The movie follows the lives of a couple, Will and Samantha. Will sees Sam’s parents ask for permission to marry Sam. Tom fights with Will’s and Sam’s dad, and then he, his wife, and their unborn child leave without saying a word.

Sam calls the next day to say that she is hearing weird noises. Since all planes have been cancelled, Will calls Sam’s parents, and they come to Seattle to meet him. Tom’s medical situation is only one of several problems they are having. Because Tom realizes that time is running out, he and Will makeup, and Will asks Tom’s permission to proceed with the wedding.

When Will finds Sam and Jeremiah together, things get worse because Jeremiah has fallen in love with Sam and refuses to leave her. He goes so far as to try to hurt Will, but Sam kills him in self-defence. Will and Sam escape, and the cause of the natural disaster, which at first seems unnatural, is never found out.

If there is a second movie, the story will pick up right where the first one ended, with Will and Sam having a child and getting married. In the follow-up, the reasons for the disaster might be looked into. The general tone and plot of the sequel will be different from the original.

There’s no question that the sequel will have plenty of action, drama, mystery, science fiction, and thriller elements. But the IMDb score is below 6, making it unlikely that the authors will make a sequel.

How It Ends 2 Potential Plot

Where To Watch How It Ends?

Netflix, an American over-the-top streaming video-on-demand service, showed the first How It Ends movie for the first time on July 13, 2018. The makers haven’t said if they’ll make a second movie yet, but if they do, we expect it to come out on the same platform as the first.

Is There A Trailer Available For How It Ends 2?

Currently, there is no trailer for How It Ends 2, but you can Watch the video of the first movie. Below.

How It Ends | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

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